Archive for the ‘Knowledge’ Category


14 Nov

The individual needs to be awakened first, and he will then find and join the community vibrating on his level of consciousness!


13 Nov

The closer you are to the center, the better your ability to discern what is truly going on on both sides of the equation!


08 Nov

Everyone that I know gets the same amount of rope to hang themselves with, no exceptions!

Planned Infinity

25 Oct

Plan as if you’ll live forever, live like there’s no tomorrow!


25 Oct

Sometimes you have to be on the brink of loosing everything to gain the world!


07 Oct

You are a product of your environment right up to the day you decide not to be! The choice is yours!

Easier Said Than Done

22 Sep

It’s easy to say what you’re going to do but it’s much harder to do what you said!

The Rules

13 Sep

You can’t win if you don’t play!

Groove Theory

12 Sep

You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to!


11 Sep

Those who have found love, have found God!

The Wizdom Manifesto

Knowledge Is Your Weapon Use It Wisely