Archive for the ‘Knowledge’ Category


25 Apr

Most people go against the grain because it’s popular! 


23 Apr

The key to unlock all doors is within you!


19 Apr

If you don’t know where you’re going, it doesn’t matter where you came from!


08 Apr

You will never be happy if your happiness depends upon someone else to change!


02 Apr

One must prepare for the battles at hand instead of fighting those already lost!


02 Apr

Those that are the most dependent always lay claim to independence! 

Volume Controlled

27 Mar

The loudest voice in the room will always be heard, even if what they are saying doesn’t make sense! 


25 Mar

EVERYONE has at least one person in their life that they feel as if the can tell a secret to!

Make Yourself

10 Mar

The choices that you make ultimately make you!

Go Hard

09 Mar

We go hard for things we don’t have but relax after we’ve acquired them. So treat all things as if you don’t have them! 

The Wizdom Manifesto

Knowledge Is Your Weapon Use It Wisely