One must prepare for the battles at hand instead of fighting those already lost!
Volume Controlled
The loudest voice in the room will always be heard, even if what they are saying doesn’t make sense!
EVERYONE has at least one person in their life that they feel as if the can tell a secret to!
Go Hard
We go hard for things we don’t have but relax after we’ve acquired them. So treat all things as if you don’t have them!
It doesn’t matter if a door is closed, what matters is what side of the door you’re on when it closes!
Supposed To What
Stop thinking about how things are supposed to be, and implement the processes that makes them be!
The Harvest
Plant seeds, nurture them, watch them grow to standards!
Plant seeds, neglect them, watch them die or become weeds!
Complaints and Actions
If you’re not willing to try to change something that you complain about, then you will forever be a complainer!